MedX Medical Lumbar Rehab Machine
About Sore backs are weak backs and weak backs become
By combining the rehabilitation systems of four different machines, the PrimusRS provides comprehensive treatments to suit the unique needs of every patient. From a functional standpoint, its seamless resistance modes, adjustable height, and full set of functional attachments, allows for the replication of virtually any daily task or activity. The aim of rehabilitation is to get you back on your feet, and performing daily or occupational tasks efficiently and painlessly. The only way to accomplish this goal is to replicate these motions in a safe and controlled environment until full range of motion is restored. The PrimusRS provides exactly that – it ensures that the ultimate goal is achieved through personalized, gradual, safe, and monitored repetition.
This physical versatility, combined with its powerful and innovative data-collection software that captures and reports real-time objective data, allows your doctor and chiropractor to:
Golfers, hit the ball farther! Increase your golf swing speed and power by strengthening the specific muscles used in your golf swing. More strength and speed of your swing equals greater club head speed and greater ball distance. More endurance means greater consistency of your swing mechanics throughout your round.
At Alberta Back and Neck Rehab & Sports Injuries Clinic, we measure the speed of your golf club head, then on our high tech $100,000 Primus sports testing and rehab machine we can measure the strength of your specific golf swing muscles. Over 5 or 10 sessions you will work at increasing the strength of your golf swing muscles and increase your golf swing speed, power, and endurance so that you can hit the ball farther.
About Sore backs are weak backs and weak backs become
About Non-surgical spinal decompression therapy is a non-invasive procedure developed
About Laser therapy treats acute and chronic musculoskeletal injuries and
About The shockwave penetrates very deep without damaging the more
The Multi-Cervical Unit is the only effective way to test