Sports Injuries
Sports Injuries While exercising is good for you, sports injuries
Reproductive conditions, psychological conditions, autoimmune diseases, chronic pain syndromes, and more.
Acupuncture is commonly practiced together with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Acupuncture treatments influence the body by inserting thin needles into specific points along the body, called acupoints.
Traditional Chinese Medicine approaches the body as a system (trauma being the exception). During patient intakes, it is common to have conversations about digestion (abdominal discomfort, stools quality, urine quality), emotions, sleep, diet, body temperatures, body sensations, energy level, fatigue, pathways of pain, etc. These seemingly small details of information help determine TCM patterns, allowing the acupuncturist to diagnose the best treatment protocol for you. The goal of Acupuncture and TCM is to bring awareness and balance back to the individual, aiding in recovery while increasing quality of life.
Electro-Acupuncture (EA) is where an electric current is passed through the acupuncture needles. Electro-Acupuncture enhances the effects of the acupuncture needles by further stimulating the muscle where the needle is inserted. Electro-Acupuncture helps to elicit physiological effects that promote local healing, pain relief and the reduction of muscle tension to allow for improved mobility and function. It may also assist in deactivating chronic myofascial trigger points or ‘knots’ and the associated taut bands within the muscle.
Sports Injuries While exercising is good for you, sports injuries
Physiotherapy Assess and diagnose your injuries, chronic conditions, and chronic
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Are you tired of constant back pain disrupting your daily