Sports Injuries
Sports Injuries While exercising is good for you, sports injuries
If you suffer from acute or chronic pain, chiropractic treatments can offer instant and lasting relief. Pain is caused by a number of factors, but our Calgary chiropractors use a holistic treatment approach to dramatically improve your quality of life.
Some of the most common types of chronic pain are:
Upper extremity problems
Lower back pain
Elbow pain
Lower extremity problems
Jaw problems
Shoulder pain
Shin splints
Upper or mid-back pain
Disc herniation
Heel pain
Mechanical Problems – As people age, the discs that provide cushioning in between the spine’s vertebrae naturally deteriorate. The body also produces less joint (synovial) fluid that lubricates between bones. With less cushioning, the bones are free to move out of place, resulting in muscle pain.
Medical Conditions & Diseases – Conditions like scoliosis, arthritis, and fibromyalgia are common causes of joint, muscle, and back pain. With proper chiropractic treatment, pain is considerably reduced without the risk of side effects from medication or surgery.
Injury – Sprains, fractures, ruptured discs, torn ligaments, and pulled muscles can all cause considerable pain, compounded by misuse. Chiropractic therapy combines proper alignment with muscle strength training to eliminate pain.
Pregnancy – During pregnancy, the body releases a hormone called relaxin, which loosens the joints and makes childbirth possible. However, this hormone may cause bones, especially the pelvis, to become misaligned. Regular chiropractic treatment during pregnancy can greatly reduce pain and discomfort during the gestational period.
Sports Injuries While exercising is good for you, sports injuries
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Are you tired of constant back pain disrupting your daily