Massage therapy is no longer just a luxury to be enjoyed on vacations or spa getaways. In fact, it can be one of the most effective methods for treating a variety of ailments, and regular treatment can help you overcome both physical and mental issues. If you suffer from any of the following problems, consider natural pain and stress relief and visit your local chronic pain centre in Calgary.
Common Ailments Massage Therapy Can Help
Seeking pain relief from methods other than medication, like exercise and massage can help you maintain your overall health, keep medical bills low and help you avoid a variety of other side effects. If you are in Calgary and are suffering from these problems, consider receiving massage therapy in Calgary at Alberta Back and Neck Rehab & Sports Injuries Clinic:
- Sports Injury – If you suffer from a sports injury, either caused by impact or acquired over years of repetitive practice, massage therapy can help ease your symptoms and keep you active.
- Soft Tissue Strain or Injury – Increased circulation is just one benefit of massage therapy. With targeted treatment from a trained professional, soft tissue strains or injuries can be healed faster.
- Temporomandibular Joint Pain – Joint pain can be reduced through regular massage, and patients can also enjoy increased joint mobility.
- Headaches – Receiving massage therapy can help reduce the duration, frequency and severity of headaches.
- Fibromyalgia – This chronic disorder leads to a lot of pain and discomfort, and massage therapy can help ease pain and tenderness through personal and specialized treatment.
- Anxiety, Insomnia and Depression – Human contact can help ease the symptoms of these common mental health troubles. Massage therapy can be part of a larger program that aids in relaxation, reducing stress and increasing happiness in a person’s life.
Visit a Chronic Pain Centre in Calgary
The professionals at Alberta Back & Neck Rehab & Sports Injuries Clinic can help you find relief. To help you feel your best and handle chronic or occasional pain, consider massage therapy as a treatment option before turning to drugs or other methods. In addition to the issues listed above, those who suffer from myofascial pain syndrome, paresthesias, nerve pain and digestive issues can also benefit from massage. Regularly scheduled massage therapy can help you manage physical pain while promoting relaxation and self-care.
The team at Alberta Back & Neck Rehab & Sports Injuries Clinic will assess your needs during a consultation. Call us today at 403-234-0040 or contact us online to schedule your appointment.