Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise
January 2002 Volume 34 Number 1
Vincent KR. Braith RW.
Center for Exercise Science, College of Health and Human Performance
University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
Study Outcomes & Clinical Relevance:
This research project consisted of full body resistance exercise training done exclusively on the MedX selectorized and medical exercise equipment. The data indicates that high intensity resistance exercise training is successful for improving Bone Mineral Density of the femoral neck in healthy elderly subjects. Also, the data suggests that resistance exercise increases bone turnover, which over time may lead to further changes in BMD. The exercises most strongly correlated with site specific and total body Bone Mineral Density were leg press, overhead press, and lumbar extension.
Low Back Strengthening for the Prevention and Treatment of Low Back Pain
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise
1999 Volume 31 Number 1
David M. Carpenter and Brian W. Nelson
Study Outcomes & Clinical Relevance:
Isolated lumbar extension exercise with the pelvis stabilized using specialized equipment elicits the most favourable improvements in low back strength muscle across sectional area and vertebral bone mineral density. Improvements occur independent of diagnosis, are long lasting, and appear to result in less re-reutilization of the health care system than other more passive treatments.