How to reduce pain from neck injuries

Definition of Neck Injury

Neck injuries can cause excruciating pain and discomfort, making it difficult to carry out daily activities. They can result from various causes, such as muscle strain, poor posture, sudden movements, or even traumatic accidents. Neck injuries commonly affect the spinal column’s soft tissues, muscles, and cervical vertebrae. Symptoms may range from mild to severe pain, restricted range of motion, stiffness, and tension in the neck muscles. Identifying the underlying cause of the neck injury is crucial to determine the best course of treatment. Seeking medical advice from a healthcare provider such as Optimum Alberta Back and Neck Rehab is recommended to receive a proper diagnosis and appropriate care.

Risk Factors for Neck Injuries in Calgary, Alberta

Risk factors for neck injuries in Calgary and all of Alberta can vary depending on the type of injury, but some of the most common causes include automobile accidents, falls, sports-related activities, and repetitive motions. Additionally, certain lifestyle habits such as smoking or obesity may increase the risk of suffering from a cervical spine disorder.

In Alberta, where winters are cold and long with frequent snowfall and icy roads, automobile accidents are a leading cause of neck injuries. It is important to take extra care while driving in winter weather and always wear a seat belt to minimize the risk of injury. Maintaining good posture and avoiding repetitive motions are essential for preventing neck strain.

Symptoms of Neck Injury

Neck injuries can cause a wide range of symptoms that can vary in intensity depending on the severity of the injury. Suppose you have recently experienced trauma to your neck or have been dealing with persistent neck pain. In that case, paying attention to these symptoms and seeking appropriate medical care from a reputable clinic such as Optimum Alberta Back and Neck Rehab is important.

One of the most common symptoms of a neck injury is neck pain. This pain can range from mild discomfort to severe and debilitating pain that affects your daily activities. It is important to note that neck pain can be caused by various factors, such as muscle strain, poor posture, or even a more serious medical condition. Therefore, getting a proper diagnosis from a health care provider is crucial to determine the cause of your neck pain.

Neck stiffness is another symptom commonly associated with neck injuries. It could indicate a neck injury if you find it difficult to move your neck or experience a limited range of motion. The stiffness in the neck can make it challenging to perform routine activities and significantly impact your quality of life. Seeking medical advice from a professional at Optimum Alberta Back and Neck Rehab can help diagnose the underlying cause of your stiffness and provide appropriate treatment options.

In some cases, neck injuries can also cause pain radiating to other body areas. This is referred to as pain, which occurs when the pain signals from the injured neck muscles or soft tissues are felt in distant areas. For example, an injured neck muscle might cause pain that extends to the shoulders or even down the arm. Identifying and addressing the source of the referred pain is crucial for effective treatment.

Other symptoms of neck injuries

can include numbness or tingling sensations in the neck or extremities, headaches, and muscle weakness. These symptoms can vary depending on the specific structures affected, such as the cervical vertebrae or spinal cord. Seeking medical care from professionals like those at Optimum Alberta Back and Neck Rehab can help accurately diagnose the cause of these symptoms and develop a personalized treatment plan to alleviate them.

Causes of Neck Injury

Neck injuries can occur due to a variety of causes, ranging from sudden movements to prolonged poor posture. It is important to understand these causes in order to prevent and treat neck injuries effectively.

One common cause of neck injury is muscle strain. This occurs when the muscles in the neck are overworked or stretched beyond their limits. Muscle strain can be caused by activities such as lifting heavy objects, participating in sports without proper warm-up, or even maintaining an awkward position for an extended period of time.

Another cause of neck injury is trauma or sudden impact. This can happen in situations like car accidents, falls, or sports injuries. The force of the impact can strain the soft tissues in the neck, causing pain and stiffness.

Poor posture is also a major contributor to neck injuries. Many people spend long hours hunched over desks and computers, leading to misalignment of the spine and excessive strain on the neck muscles. Maintaining correct posture is crucial to prevent chronic neck pain and avoid injuries.

Degenerative conditions, such as arthritis or degenerative disc disease, can also lead to neck injuries. These conditions occur over time and can cause the spinal column and cervical vertebrae to deteriorate, resulting in instability and pain.

Additionally, repetitive movements or overuse of the neck muscles can cause strain and lead to injury. This is common in occupations that require repetitive motions, such as assembly line work or working at a computer for prolonged periods without taking breaks to stretch and rest the neck muscles.

It is important to note that some individuals may be more susceptible to neck injuries due to factors such as genetics, weak neck muscles, or a history of previous injuries. Understanding these risk factors can help individuals take appropriate measures to prevent neck injuries and seek prompt medical attention if symptoms arise.

Poor Posture: A Silent But Significant Contributor to Neck Pain

In today’s technology-driven world, poor posture has become pervasive, affecting individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Maintaining correct posture is crucial for overall spinal health and preventing chronic neck pain and potential neck injuries.

Many spend hours hunched over desks, slouched in chairs, or glued to their smartphones. This sedentary lifestyle and repetitive daily activities strain the neck muscles and spine, leading to poor posture. Over time, this strain can contribute to chronic neck pain and even more severe injuries.

When we slouch or hunch forward, our necks bear the brunt of this misalignment. The spine’s natural curvature becomes compromised, placing uneven pressure on the discs and tissues supporting our neck. This sustained poor posture can lead to muscle imbalances, pinched nerves, and reduced blood flow to the neck area.

The consequences of poor posture extend beyond mere discomfort. A consistently slouched position stresses the spinal column and its delicate structures unnecessarily. The cervical vertebrae form the neck’s foundation and become vulnerable to degenerative conditions like arthritis or degenerative disc disease. Over time, these conditions can cause instability, limited range of motion, and chronic neck pain.

Thankfully, addressing poor posture and its associated neck pain doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task. By incorporating simple changes into daily activities and consciously maintaining correct posture, individuals can significantly reduce the risk of neck injuries and improve overall spinal health.

Here are a few strategies recommended by Our Doctors at Optimum Alberta Back and Neck Rehab:

1. Ergonomics:

Ensure that your workspace is ergonomically designed at home or in the office. Use a chair with proper lumbar support, adjust your desk and computer screen to eye level, and position your keyboard and mouse at a comfortable height. These adjustments promote correct posture and alleviate strain on the neck and back.

2. Stretch and strengthen:

Regular stretching and strengthening exercises targeting the neck and upper back muscles. Simple movements like neck rolls, chin tucks, and shoulder shrugs can help improve flexibility and reduce muscle imbalances. Incorporating exercises that strengthen the core and back muscles can provide overall spinal support.

3. Take breaks and move:

Whether you work at a computer or perform physically demanding tasks, taking frequent breaks is essential. Stand up, stretch, and move around every 30 minutes to relieve tension in the neck and restore blood flow to the area. Incorporating regular exercise, such as walking or swimming, into your routine can promote overall health and help maintain correct posture.

4. Mindful awareness:

Pay attention to your posture throughout the day. Take a moment to assess your position and make any necessary adjustments. Remember to keep your shoulders relaxed, your head aligned with your spine, and your chin parallel to the ground.

If persistent neck pain or discomfort arises despite these proactive measures, seeking professional help from Optimum Alberta Back and Neck Rehab is highly recommended. Our team of healthcare providers specializes in treating neck injuries and can provide tailored solutions, such as physical therapy, targeted exercises, and other non-invasive interventions.

Poor posture may seem like a minor concern, but its impact on neck health should not be underestimated. By prioritizing correct posture, making ergonomic adjustments, engaging in regular exercise, and seeking professional help when needed, individuals can successfully reduce the risk of neck injuries and enjoy a pain-free life. Remember, your neck deserves optimal care and attention for a healthy and pain-free future.

Awkward Positions for Daily Activities

In our fast-paced, technology-driven world, it’s not uncommon to find ourselves contorted into awkward positions during our daily activities. Whether it’s hunching over a desk, craning our necks to look at a smartphone, or reaching for items in hard-to-reach places, these uncomfortable positions can take a toll on our necks and overall spinal health.

At Optimum Alberta Back and Neck Rehab, our experienced team understands the impact that awkward positions can have on the body. When we engage in activities that require us to twist, bend, or stretch in unnatural ways, we place significant strain on our neck muscles and spinal column. Over time, this strain can lead to muscle imbalances, reduced blood flow, and chronic neck pain.

One common culprit of awkward positions is our work environment. Many office workers spend hours seated at desks, often hunched over their computers or laptops. This forward head posture places excessive stress on the neck muscles, leading to muscle strain, stiffness, and even pinched nerves. It’s crucial to ensure that your workspace is ergonomically designed, with a chair that provides proper lumbar support and a desk at a suitable height. Additionally, adjusting your computer screen to eye level can help maintain a neutral position for your neck and reduce the risk of discomfort.

Another common scenario where awkward positions come into play is when we use our smartphones for extended periods. The habit of bending our necks forward to look down at our screens, also known as “text neck,” can cause significant strain on the cervical spine and lead to chronic neck pain. To prevent this, holding your smartphone at eye level is important, allowing your neck to remain in a neutral position while using it. Taking regular breaks and practising neck stretches can also help alleviate tension and maintain flexibility in the neck muscles.

Engaging in activities requiring reaching or bending awkwardly, such as gardening or cleaning, can also contribute to neck discomfort. It’s essential to be mindful of your body’s positioning during these tasks and to avoid overreaching or bending for extended periods. Using tools with extended handles or taking breaks to stretch can help minimize strain on the neck muscles and prevent potential injuries.

While it may be challenging to completely avoid awkward positions in our daily activities, there are steps we can take to minimize their impact on our necks. Regular stretching and strengthening exercises targeting the neck and upper back muscles can help improve flexibility and reduce muscle imbalances. Additionally, being mindful of our posture throughout the day and making necessary adjustments to maintain a neutral position will reduce the risk of chronic neck pain.

In cases where persistent neck pain arises despite these preventive measures, seeking professional help from Optimum Alberta Back and Neck Rehab is crucial. Our specialized team of healthcare providers can provide personalized solutions to your needs, such as physical therapy, targeted exercises, and non-invasive interventions. Don’t let awkward positions hinder your daily activities and impact your overall spinal health – take proactive steps to ensure your neck’s well-being and seek our experts’ guidance.

Muscle Strain or Spasm

Muscle strain or spasm is a common issue many individuals experience, especially in the neck. At Optimum Alberta Back and Neck Rehab, we understand the discomfort and pain that can result from these muscle imbalances. Whether it’s due to poor posture, sudden movements, or overexertion, muscle strain in the neck can severely limit your range of motion and hinder your daily activities.

A muscle strain occurs when the muscle fibres are stretched or torn due to excessive force or repetitive movements. This can happen due to physical activity, such as lifting heavy objects, or even being in a sedentary position for an extended period of time. The muscles in the neck, which support the weight of the head and allow for neck movement, are particularly prone to strain or spasm.

When a muscle strain occurs, it can lead to inflammation, pain, and stiffness. The affected muscles may feel tight and tender to the touch. Muscle spasms may also occur in more severe cases, causing sudden and involuntary contractions that can be quite painful.

Multiple strategies are available to find relief if you experience muscle strain or spasms in your neck. An effective method for pain relief is heat therapy, which can be achieved through the use of heating pads or warm compresses. Following instructions and avoiding excessive heat exposure is important to prevent burns.

Another helpful strategy is to incorporate gentle stretching exercises into your daily routine. These stretches should focus on the neck and upper back muscles, promoting flexibility and relieving tension. It’s important to consult with a healthcare provider or physical therapist before starting any new exercise program to ensure that you’re performing the exercises correctly and preventing further injury.

In more severe cases of muscle strain or spasms, your healthcare provider may recommend muscle relaxants or physical therapy. Muscle relaxants help relax the muscles and reduce spasms, while physical therapy can provide targeted exercises and techniques to strengthen and stretch the affected muscles.

Remember, muscle strain or spasms in the neck can be a temporary issue that resolves with rest, gentle stretching, and time. However, if the pain persists or becomes chronic, it’s important to seek medical advice from a healthcare provider. They can evaluate your specific condition, review your medical history, and recommend the most suitable treatment options.

At Optimum Alberta Back and Neck Rehab, our experienced team is dedicated to providing comprehensive care for individuals with muscle strain or spasms in the neck. We can assess your condition, develop a personalized treatment plan, and guide you towards a pain-free life. Don’t let muscle strain or spasms hold you back – seek medical care and take steps towards a healthier, more comfortable you.

Medical Conditions or Illnesses

Medical conditions or illnesses affecting the neck can be a source of chronic pain and discomfort, significantly impacting daily activities and overall quality of life. When addressing these conditions, seeking timely and appropriate medical care is crucial in managing symptoms and promoting healing.

At Optimum Alberta Back and Neck Rehab, we understand the debilitating effects that conditions such as cervical spine disorders or spinal cord injuries can have on individuals. These conditions can arise from various factors, including trauma, degenerative changes, or medical conditions.

Cervical spine disorders encompass a range of issues that affect the seven cervical vertebrae in the neck. These conditions may include herniated discs, bone spurs, or cervical radiculopathy, which causes pain and numbness radiating down the arm. Additionally, medical conditions like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or fibromyalgia can contribute to chronic neck pain.

It is crucial to undergo a comprehensive evaluation by a health care provider specialized in back and neck rehab to accurately diagnose and treat these conditions. The evaluation may include a thorough medical history review, physical examination, and diagnostic tests like X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or electromyography (EMG).

Once a diagnosis is established, exploring various treatment options tailored to the specific condition and individual needs may be necessary. These treatments can range from conservative approaches to more invasive interventions, depending on the severity and underlying cause of the condition.

Conservative treatments may involve physical therapy, chiropractic care, or occupational therapy. These non-invasive therapies aim to alleviate pain, improve range of motion, and strengthen the neck muscles to support proper alignment and stability. Additionally, education on correct posture and body mechanics can be beneficial in preventing further strain and injury to the neck.

Surgical interventions may be necessary for more severe cases or when conservative measures do not provide sufficient relief. Surgical procedures for neck conditions can range from minimally invasive techniques to more extensive surgeries, depending on the requirements of each case.

At Optimum Alberta Back and Neck Rehab, our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing personalized care and effective treatment options for individuals with neck conditions. We prioritize understanding each patient’s unique needs and developing a comprehensive plan that addresses their specific medical condition and goals for recovery.

Physical Activity and Exercise Levels

Physical activity and exercise are crucial in reducing pain from neck injuries. Regular physical activity helps strengthen the muscles surrounding the neck, improve blood flow, and enhance overall flexibility, all of which contribute to reducing pain and promoting healthy neck function.

At Optimum Alberta Back and Neck Rehab, we understand the importance of incorporating physical activity into your daily routine to support neck health. However, starting gradually and consulting with a healthcare provider or physical therapist is crucial to design a safe and effective exercise program tailored to your specific needs.

Moderate-intensity activities like brisk walking, swimming, or cycling can help improve cardiovascular health and promote neck muscle strength and flexibility. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week, spread out over several sessions.

In addition to aerobic exercises, incorporating specific neck exercises can target the muscles in the neck, promoting strength and flexibility. These exercises can include gentle neck stretches, head rotations, and shoulder rolls. It’s important to perform these exercises with proper form and avoid any sudden or jerky movements that could exacerbate your neck pain.

It’s also important to note that if you’re currently experiencing severe neck pain or in the acute phase of a neck injury, it is essential to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any exercise program. They can help determine the appropriate level of physical activity based on your condition and provide guidance on how to progress safely.

Continuing with the prescribed exercises at home is important if you’ve recently undergone physical therapy for your neck injury. Consistency is key when it comes to rehabilitation, and diligently performing the recommended exercises will help maintain the gains achieved during therapy and prevent future recurrences.

Additionally, proper warm-up and cool-down routines before and after exercise are important to prepare your muscles for activity and reduce the risk of strains or sprains. Incorporate gentle stretches for the neck and shoulders into your warm-up and cool-down sessions to increase blood flow to the area and improve range of motion.

Remember, while physical activity benefits neck health, listening to your body and not pushing through any pain or discomfort is essential. If you experience persistent or worsening neck pain during or after exercise, it’s important to make an appointment for medical advice for further evaluation.

Age and Gender Differences in Risk of Injuries

Regarding age, it is essential to recognize that different age groups may have distinct vulnerabilities when it comes to injuries. Children and adolescents, for example, may be more prone to injuries due to their active nature and still-developing coordination. Parents and caregivers must create a safe environment, supervise activities, and encourage proper body mechanics and posture to reduce the risk of injuries.

As individuals enter their middle age and beyond, certain factors such as decreased muscle mass, reduced bone density, and changes in balance and coordination can increase their susceptibility to injuries. It becomes increasingly important for older adults to prioritize regular exercise, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and engage in activities that promote strength, flexibility, and balance. Consulting with a healthcare provider or physical therapist can help determine appropriate exercise programs and identify potential risk factors to address.

Gender can also play a role in the risk of injuries. While both males and females can suffer from various types of injuries, research suggests that there may be differences in injury rates and mechanisms between the two genders. For instance, males may be more likely to sustain traumatic injuries due to their involvement in contact sports or risk-taking behaviours. On the other hand, females may have a higher risk of certain musculoskeletal conditions, such as certain types of knee injuries, due to anatomical differences and hormonal factors.

Understanding these age and gender differences can help healthcare providers and individuals tailor injury prevention strategies accordingly. Individuals of all ages and genders must prioritize activities that promote overall strength, flexibility, and coordination. This can include regular exercise routines that target specific muscle groups and activities that improve balance and proprioception.

Pre-existing Medical Conditions or Diseases: Factors to Consider for Neck Injury Management

Optimum Alberta Back and Neck Rehab understands that individuals with pre-existing medical conditions or diseases may face unique challenges when it comes to managing neck injuries. It is essential to consider these factors to ensure appropriate care and reduce pain effectively.

A pre-existing medical condition or disease can impact neck injuries’ severity and recovery process. Conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, or herniated discs can make the neck’s delicate structures more vulnerable to injury, exacerbate pain, and prolong healing time. A careful and comprehensive approach to injury management becomes crucial in these cases.

In certain cases, modification of treatment strategies may be necessary due to the presence of a pre-existing medical condition. For example, individuals with arthritis might benefit from gentle exercises and range-of-motion activities that do not further strain the joints. They may also find relief through the targeted application of heat or cold therapy to manage inflammation and alleviate pain.

Furthermore, individuals with pre-existing conditions should always communicate their medical history to their healthcare provider. This information includes any medications taken, previous surgeries, or ongoing treatments.

Incorporating self-care practices into daily activities is crucial for individuals with pre-existing conditions managing neck injuries. This can include maintaining correct posture, taking breaks during extended periods of sitting or repetitive motions, and practising stress-reducing techniques. Additionally, adhering to a prescribed exercise routine and engaging in regular physical activity that accommodates the individual’s capabilities can help improve overall strength and flexibility while managing pain effectively.

Diagnosis of Neck Injury in Calgary

At Optimum Alberta Back and Neck Rehab, our healthcare providers are experts at diagnosing neck injuries. They start by performing a physical examination and taking a full medical history to determine the type and extent of the injury. Depending on your symptoms, they may also order imaging tests such as X-rays or an MRI to evaluate any damage to the bones and soft tissues.

Once the diagnosis is complete, our team can create a comprehensive treatment plan to reduce your pain and promote healing. Contact us today to learn more about the diagnosis of neck injuries in Calgary.

Tests to Identify the Source of Pain and Damage

Optimum Alberta Back and Neck Rehab takes a comprehensive and individualised approach when it comes to identifying the source of pain and damage in neck injuries. Through a range of diagnostic tests, our healthcare providers aim to pinpoint the exact cause of your discomfort and develop an effective treatment plan.

A thorough physical examination is one of the primary methods used to diagnose neck injuries. During this examination, a healthcare provider will assess your range of motion, evaluate areas of tenderness or swelling, and check for muscle weakness or spasms. By carefully examining these factors, our providers can gather valuable clues about the location and extent of your injury.

Imaging tests may be necessary in some cases to gain a more detailed view of the damage. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans are particularly valuable in assessing the spinal column, discs, and nerves in the neck. Utilizing this non-invasive procedure, our healthcare providers can accurately identify any abnormalities or possible causes of your pain.

It’s important to note that while physical examinations and imaging tests provide valuable insights, obtaining a detailed medical history is also crucial in the diagnostic process. By discussing previous neck injuries, surgeries, and existing medical conditions, you provide important context that aids in the overall diagnosis. Additionally, communicating the onset, duration, and intensity of your symptoms allows our healthcare providers to pinpoint potential triggers and evaluate the severity of your condition.

Optimum Alberta Back and Neck Rehab prioritises a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosing neck injuries. By combining physical examinations, imaging tests, and medical histories, our doctors strive to identify the exact source of your pain and damage. This personalized approach enables us to develop a targeted treatment plan that addresses your needs, ensuring optimal recovery and long-term relief.

Imaging Tests Used to Assess Soft Tissue Damage

When assessing soft tissue damage in the neck, imaging tests play a crucial role in providing a detailed view of the extent of the injury. At Optimum Alberta Back and Neck Rehab, our healthcare providers utilize various imaging techniques to diagnose and evaluate any abnormalities or causes of pain accurately.

One commonly used imaging test is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This non-invasive procedure utilizes powerful magnets and radio waves to create detailed images of the soft tissues in the neck, including the muscles, ligaments, discs, and nerves. By obtaining an MRI scan, our providers can identify any tears, inflammation, or other damage to the soft tissues that may be causing your neck pain.

Another imaging test that may be recommended is a computed tomography (CT) scan. This imaging technique uses X-rays to create cross-sectional images of the neck. CT scans are particularly useful in examining the bony structures of the cervical vertebrae, allowing our healthcare providers to assess for any fractures or abnormalities in the spine.

In some cases, an X-ray may be used to assess the neck injury. While X-rays primarily provide a view of the bones, they can also help identify fractures or other abnormalities contributing to your neck pain.

Based on the findings from the imaging tests, our healthcare providers can determine the best course of treatment for your soft tissue damage. This may include recommendations for physical therapy, pain management techniques, or other interventions tailored to your specific needs.

It’s important to remember that imaging tests are just one piece of the puzzle when diagnosing and treating soft tissue damage in the neck. Along with the physical examination and your medical history, these tests provide valuable insights into the extent and location of the injury. Our healthcare providers at Optimum Alberta Back and Neck Rehab will use this combination of information to create a comprehensive treatment plan that aims to reduce your pain and promote healing.

Treatment Options for Neck Injuries in Calgary

At Optimum Alberta Back and Neck Rehab, we offer various treatment options for neck injuries in Calgary. Depending on the severity of your injury, our healthcare providers may suggest physical therapy to reduce pain and improve mobility. This type of rehabilitation focuses on stretching, strengthening, and other exercises that target the affected area to relieve tension and restore range of motion.

In addition to physical therapy, we also offer custom orthotics to better support the neck and reduce pain. We also provide lifestyle advice on how to prevent future injuries, such as proper posture when sitting or standing for long periods.

Advanced Non-surgical treatment options

Our clinic also offers non-surgical treatment options for neck injuries in Calgary. Our clinic is one of a few in Alberta that offers advanced non-surgical pain rehabilitation treatment options all in one location. Our highly effective treatment option for neck injuries in Calgary is the BTE Multi-Cervical Rehab Unit.

BTE Multi-Cervical Rehab Unit

BTE Multi-Cervical Rehab Unit (MCU for short) is an innovative rehabilitation device is designed to help reduce pain, restore range of motion, and improve flexibility in the neck and cervical spine.

The unit uses advanced technology to target four key areas of the neck: traction, compression, vibration , and heat. This combination of treatments encourages blood flow to the area while relaxing neck muscles and loosening stiff joints.

The Multi-Cervical Rehab Unit is a safe, non-invasive treatment option for reducing pain from neck injuries in Calgary. Regular use of the MCU can help reduce chronic neck pain, improve range of motion, and restore function in the affected area.Learn more about the BTE Multi Cervical Rehab Unit here.

Physical Activity and Exercise Levels

Physical activity and exercise are important components of any successful treatment plan for neck injuries. Regular exercise helps to maintain muscle strength, flexibility, and range of motion in the neck while also improving posture and body mechanics to reduce the risk of future injuries.

Book your Appointment with Optimum Alberta Back and Neck Today!

Our experienced healthcare providers will evaluate your injury, develop a personalized treatment plan, and provide guidance on reducing pain and promoting healing. Book your appointment today to get started! We look forward to helping you find relief from your neck pain.

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